Does this sound like you?
My neighbor seems hesitant to eat in my house because of my kosher standards and I can't figure out why.
I often use Google as my kosher resource and am left with conflicting answers.
I feel uncomfortable calling my Rabbi with a question because I'm nervous it may sound foolish.
I learned the laws of kosher many years ago and am ready for a refresher course.
Don't you wish there was an easy way to feel confident in the kitchen?
you can be a kosher expert!
Kosher Institute of America offers a comprehensive kosher course designed for the home-kitchen environment which will empower you with confidence in the kosher kitchen!
Certificate issued upon completion.

Courses are presented by Rabbi Nosson Dubin, Rabbinic Administrator for the Houston Kashrus Association, and a scholar at the Kollel of Houston Torah Center.
Rabbi Dubin dedicated many years learning, teaching, and researching the broad spectrum of kosher law, and deals with intricate Kosher-related dilemmas daily.
Rabbi Dubin is also the author of a comprehensive in-depth analysis of the laws of Kashrus (Ha'tzaas Hashulchan; 247 pages; Hebrew), which has become a standard text for many scholars for Semichah exam preparation.
What you will learn...
Overview and Introduction
Identifying Kosher Species
Kosher Fish Identification – A Demonstration
Purchasing Fish in a Non-Kosher Store
Kosher Food Purchasing
Join today

“ Thanks...really enjoyed and learned a lot. I am hoping my wife will be the next to enroll.
Also, I have a couple of large volumes dealing with the laws of Kashrut but after reading both felt as though I had so many questions, I was hesitant about everything I did in the kitchen. Rabbi Dubin’s approach was very straightforward while not ignoring any of the complexities. I feel a lot less tentative in the kitchen and know I will still be speaking to my Rabbi frequently as issues arise”
“Starting a Kosher kitchen initially seemed like a daunting task. I didn’t know where to begin or what questions to ask. My family and I started the process of kashering our kitchen last year. It’s been a slow process and we are still working towards it. I’ve read many books on the transition and was still a little confused and overwhelmed. Rabbi Dubin’s course, “Kosher Empowered,” helped so much in relieving many of my fears.
The course covered a lot of information delivered in concise chunks that were easy to absorb. He accompanied the lessons with handouts. “Flow charts,” so to speak for more difficult concepts and rules. I keep many of the handouts on my refrigerator door! The structure was clear, logical, and effective. Rabbi Dubin was very kind with his time and answered all questions we had about the topic at hand.
This class gave me the confidence to implement the things that I learned into my new kosher kitchen.”
“While I have been raised in a strictly kosher home and keep a kosher kitchen, Kosher Empowered provided me with a complete review of all the fundamentals of keeping a kosher kitchen in an engaging way. Moreover, I was surprised to learn many laws I was unaware of, as well as the reasons and background for some laws. Finally, Rabbi Dubin has created incredible reference charts for everyday kosher dilemmas and mixups which helped me problem solve quickly and easily on my own! The course is very clear, comprehensive, and communicated in a dynamic and enjoyable way so that a potentially overwhelming topic is accessible to all. ”
“I just completed the course Bh.
It made me realize that I clearly didn’t know many things.
The course was perfectly designed, clear and unambiguous.
Thank you for that.”
“I have begun the course and am taking my time to make sure I am absorbing the material as best as I can. It may take longer than just eight hours for me! I have started the journey into a focused kosher life and it has really helped deepen my focus and passion to continue learning more.”
“Consumer, producer, mother, father, student, teacher and all alike, we can all review the foundation of the applications of kashrut. I am forever grateful for the thorough, direct, and organized lesson plan conducted by Rabbi Dubin. Each course is well planned with visual representations on guidance of how to conduct the cooking process before, during, and after. As the course continues to build on previously learned concepts the pace continues to be all the more engaging with life applicable scenarios! Given the reality of the kitchen heat, it was amazing to be a part of this kashrut course and to understand the applications of lechitchila and bedi’eved thoroughly.”
“The course is not just for the beginner. I’ve filled in the gaps of my knowledge of kashrut and I’ve also learned about changes in common practice caused by changes in the food industry and changes in the modern kitchen.”
“The Kosher Empowered – Home Edition course not only covered the principles of Kashrus, but also provided tools and resources to address eventual issues that come up in a normal kosher kitchen. ”
RABBINIC Endorsements
Former Rabbinic Field Representative, Food Service Division - OU Kosher
I have known Rabbi Noson Dubin, both personally and professionally, for many years. As both a dear friend and a respected colleague, he has proven to be a sincere, hard-working, and productive individual; an asset to any and all projects he undertakes and situations in which he finds himself. More. He sees a need and hears in it a call to action. He uses his talents and knowledge and his commitment to community, and gets straight to the task. His online course in the areas of kashruth law and observance which are needed on a daily basis are the direct result of this sense of duty and are a great expression of everything mentioned above.
I have spent many hours with him discussing various aspects of kashruth, specifically to their practical applications in one's home, in restaurants and caterers, and in administering a local kashuth agency. I can confidently say he is a very competent and accomplished individual. I reviewed a sample of the course material and it is presented in a very easy-to-understand fashion. I highly recommend it to newcomers and accomplished scholars alike.
Rosh Kollel - Lakewood Kollel in Houston TX
Rabbi Nosson Dubin, a dear friend and former chaver kollel, has studied Hilchos Kashrus with the relevant sugyos for many years and is the author of a comprehensive sefer on Hilchos Ta’aruvos.
He is well known locally for his organized and systematic teaching style, presenting public shiurim on kashrus and other topics in our community. It was therefore with great pleasure that I heard about the audio-visual program he is creating for use in disseminating knowledge of kashrus laws to the greater public.
He is already a popular resource for kashrus-related queries, fielding questions on a regular basis, while maintaining strong relationships with respected rabbanim and kashrus professionals. We can only wish him continued success in adding to the knowledge of hilchos kashrus among אחינו בני ישראל.
Rav - Young Israel of Houston
Rabbi Dubin has been working for the Houston Kashrus Association for the past few years and his direction and diligence has helped to bring dramatic positive changes to our organization. In addition, he is building for himself a national reputation for his excellence in so many facets of the world of kashrus. Rabbi Dubin has been an invaluable resource in his capacity as Rabbinic Administrator. Having studied and taught Hilchos Kashrus for many years, he has a clear grasp on all kashrus-related topics, and works to stay current in trending halachic issues. I have found Rabbi Dubin's conclusions to be consistently correct and on target regarding kashrus dilemmas, policies, and food service protocols.
Is this a beginner or advanced course?
Actually, both! The course begins with all the fundamentals but those keeping kosher for many years will also find it enlightening and empowering.
The tuition fee is $24 x 4 months, for lifetime access (as long as the course is available online).
How long do I have to complete this course?
As long as you'd like. You will continue to have access to this course and the relevant updates for as long as the course continues to be available online.
What should I do if I have a question on the course material?
Post the question in the comments section and we will generally respond within a day or two.
In the unlikely event that you are not satisfied with the course, we will gladly provide a complete refund for 30 days. Contact us here.
Short optional quizzes are available after each lecture for personal accountability. They will not be graded by Kosher Institute of America.
Do you have any sample videos that I can watch to help me decide if this course is for me?
Absolutely! Free lectures are accessible by clicking here and selecting the free lectures.
Do you have a group rate?
Yes! Groups of three people or more are entitled to a discount. Please contact us for details.